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Huy Fong Sriracha
Objective: To create a campaign that places Huy Fong Sriracha on a pedestal over "copycat" competitors, therefore creating brand awareness and loyalty as the original sriracha. To target 18-35 year old Experiencers.
My roles: Videography, Photography, Design for Print and Billboard, Television Commercial Editing, Strategy

When coming up with print ads for our campaign on Sriracha, we needed to stay on strategy with brand loyalty and separating our brand from competitors. We knew the headlines had to set Huy Fong Sriracha apart from competitors, so we focused on first coming up with those. The three settled on were, “Top Shelf Material”; “It’s Empty for A Reason”; and “Nothing Else Compares.” We liked these because they gave a reason for why Huy Fong Sriracha stands apart from its competitors. It puts Huy Fong on a pedestal and draws attention to the brand as a whole, not just the condiment.  All three ads take on moments and settings used in our television commercial to keep continuity other than just our creative strategy concept.

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The first ad is the “Top Shelf Material” print ad. This photo was taken in a cabinet to show in more detail what the headline is trying to convey. It is showing that Huy Fong Sriracha deserves to be on top both physically and figuratively. It places it above competitors, while drawing attention to just Huy Fong. The sriracha bottle is edited to be the focal point through lighting and contrast, so viewers eyes go straight to the bottle. Everything else is darkened, to symbolize that they don’t matter as much.

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The second ad is “It’s Empty For A Reason.” This ad aims to show that the bottle is empty because people like it more than anything else. It is set on a table with other food and drinks around it to indicate a gathering of people somewhere. People can draw that the sriracha is being used by many people because it is the best to them. Although overall the ad has a lighter tone, the sriracha bottle is still centered and contrasted to draw the eye directly to it.

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The third ad, “Nothing Else Compares,” explicitly sets out to compare Huy Fong to competitors all set in the background. The Huy Fong Sriracha is centered and lit by a spotlight with an outer glow to differentiate it from the other condiments in the background. This headline combined with the image of Sriracha being in front

symbolizes that Huy Fong is the only condiment worth being used.

Social Media
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Hinge: This platform is perfect for our audience because they are actively dating in urban areas and are looking to try new things with their potential partners. Dating app users can get immersed in looking a picture of people while scrolling through the platform. We decided to break this up by using animated visuals instead of actual pictures for this ad. Using a drawing provides a clear distinction between the user profiles and the ad. The date night tips fit with what the app is used for while mirroring the qualities that make Sriracha great. It is bold and original, and ultimately itself, just like someone should be on a first date.

Twitter: Users would be able to share and comment on the Tweet which goes along with the playful and funny idea we went with for this post. We created a gif for our Tweet because the moving visual will be more eye-catching for someone scrolling through their Twitter feed. Our audience is very knowledgeable when it comes to memes, and the pixelated sunglasses are a staple in meme-culture. “Name a bolder and more original flavor than Huy Fong Sriracha?

We’ll wait” captures the big idea of our campaign while being tailored for the platform. The copy follows the popular “we’ll wait” trend that has been widely spread on Twitter recently. The Tweet also speaks to the bold and original flavor that makes Huy Fong Sriracha stand out from the rest.

Out of Home(Billboard)

We chose to create a billboard because it would receive a large amount of views in an urban area where our target audience is located. Our billboard features a large bottle of Huy Fong’s Sriracha that would immediately grab attention because of the bright red color. The copy "Bursting with Originality" goes with our big Idea that Huy Fong Sriracha is superior because it is the authentic Sriracha. The explosion of Sriracha that extends past the billboard itself helps to drive the message of the copy home and it also makes it even more eye-catching. We kept the copy short since the audience won't have as much time to read this as a print ad. The attention is mostly dedicated to the stunning visual of a Sriracha bottle bursting off the billboard.

Television Commercial

We wanted to echo this creativity strategy in our TV spot was having a boy on a mission to find the original HoyFung Foods sriracha. We decided to have 3 different locations: his friends house, a food truck, and then a restaurant. At both the friends house and the food truck, the boy is let down because when he goes to grab the sriracha, there are a bunch of other brands besides HoyFung. Finally, he is eating at the restaurant and when he just so happens to glance up, he spots Huy Fong Foods Sriracha from across the room. We have him go over in excitement and shock, and grab the bottle. The final scene is him pouring the sriracha on his food and taking a satisfying bite.

Guerilla Marketing
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For our guerilla marketing we decided to design a water fountain in a park or outdoor location near food trucks. Sriracha is a condiment so we wanted to bring it to the consumer in a unique setting where they would be eating food. Food trucks are popular and trendy which are things we want to associate with our brand. We chose the water fountain style because it is something normal to the environment but completely redesigned. The fountain will have a base with the signature red color of the sauce and the top of the fountain will be the signature bright green cap color. The base will have text wrapped around it with our tagline, “Bold. Unsurpassed. Authentic. Sriracha, try it for yourself.” This will help meet people where they are, create a brand recognition with our signature colors and also work on brand loyalty as people are able to try our product for free.

Branded Product Placement
In The Lunch Date
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We decided to introduce the Sriracha to the movie when the woman entered the restaurant since that was the most logical place for it to be. We placed the Sriracha bottle on the counter when the woman comes up to pay for her salad because it is a natural place that Sriracha could appear. It is also eye catching in that area because it is right next to the cook when he becomes the subject of the scene. The second time we see the Sriracha is on the table when she sits down with the homeless man. When they start sharing the salad, she asks to put Sriracha on the salad and he happily agrees. Even though these two characters are so different, they are able to agree to enjoy some delicious Sriracha on their salad together.

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